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Tulsi Mala

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Tulsi malas, also known as Tulsi beads or Basil malas, are prayer beads made from the wood or seeds of the Tulsi plant, considered sacred in Hinduism for its medicinal and spiritual properties. They typically consist of 108 beads, though variations with 54 or 27 beads are also common. The beads are usually small and spherical, varying slightly in size and shape depending on the craftsmanship and type of Tulsi plant used. Tulsi is revered as an incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi, making wearing or using a Tulsi mala a symbol of devotion in Hindu culture.

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Tulsi mala, also known as Tulsi beads or Basil mala, is a string of prayer beads made from the wood or seeds of the Tulsi (Holy Basil) plant (Ocimum sanctum). Here are some details about Tulsi malas:

  1. Material: Tulsi malas are traditionally made from the wood or seeds of the Tulsi plant, which is considered sacred in Hinduism. The plant is revered for its medicinal properties and spiritual significance.
  2. Number of Beads: Similar to Rudraksha malas, Tulsi malas typically consist of 108 beads, though variations with different numbers like 54 or 27 beads are also common.
  3. Size and Shape: Tulsi beads are usually small and spherical, though the size and shape can vary slightly depending on the craftsmanship and the specific type of Tulsi plant used. Some malas may have larger or more irregularly shaped beads for aesthetic or functional purposes.
  4. Symbolism: Tulsi is highly revered in Hindu culture and is believed to be an incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi. Wearing or using a Tulsi mala is considered auspicious and is believed to bring blessings, protection, and spiritual purification.
  5. Usage: Devotees use Tulsi malas for chanting mantras, particularly during the worship of Lord Vishnu and his avatars, as well as for general spiritual practices. The repetition of mantras while counting the beads on the mala is known as Japa meditation, which is believed to promote focus, devotion, and spiritual growth.
  6. Benefits: It is believed that wearing or using a Tulsi mala can have various benefits, including physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Tulsi is associated with healing properties and is believed to have a purifying effect on the mind, body, and soul.
  7. Care: To maintain the purity and potency of Tulsi beads, it’s recommended to keep them clean and avoid exposure to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures. Some people also perform regular rituals like anointing the beads with Tulsi oil or holy water to enhance their spiritual power.

Overall, Tulsi malas hold deep spiritual significance in Hinduism and are cherished by devotees seeking blessings, protection, and spiritual upliftment.