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Moon Yantra

SKU FAB-NY02 Category

Original price was: ₹2,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,500.00.

The Moon Yantra, or Chandra Yantra, is a sacred geometric design in Hindu and Vedic traditions that represents the energy of the Moon. It features a central dot symbolizing the Moon surrounded by triangles that represent its rays. This Yantra is used for enhancing intuition, emotional balance, creativity, and nurturing qualities. It is believed to calm the mind, alleviate anxiety, and bring inner peace to those who meditate or worship with it.

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The Moon Yantra, also known as the Chandra Yantra, is a sacred geometric design representing the energy and qualities associated with the Moon in Hindu and Vedic traditions. Like other Yantras, it is believed to harness the power of the celestial body it represents and bring its positive influences into the lives of those who use it for meditation or worship.

Here are some details about the Moon Yantra:

  1. Symbolism: The Moon Yantra typically consists of a central point or dot, surrounded by multiple triangles, usually eight or twelve. These triangles are arranged in a symmetrical pattern around the central point. The central dot represents the Moon itself, while the triangles symbolize its rays or energy.
  2. Purpose: The Moon Yantra is used for various purposes, including enhancing intuition, emotional balance, creativity, and nurturing qualities. It is believed to calm the mind, alleviate anxiety, and bring inner peace to those who meditate upon it or use it in their spiritual practices.
  3. Mantra: A specific mantra associated with the Moon, such as the Chandra mantra, may be chanted while meditating upon the Moon Yantra to enhance its efficacy and invoke the blessings of the Moon deity.
  4. Material and Construction: Similar to other Yantras, the Moon Yantra can be made using various materials, including metal, wood, or drawn on paper or cloth. The design must adhere to traditional guidelines for constructing Yantras to ensure its effectiveness.
  5. Placement: The Moon Yantra is typically placed in a serene and peaceful location in one’s home or place of worship, where it can be easily seen and meditated upon. It is believed that regular meditation upon the Moon Yantra can help align one’s energy with the qualities of the Moon and bring about emotional and spiritual growth.
  6. Rituals and Worship: Devotees may perform specific rituals or pujas dedicated to the Moon deity while meditating upon or offering prayers to the Moon Yantra. These rituals may involve offerings of water, flowers, or other symbolic items associated with the Moon.
  7. Benefits: Followers believe that regular use of the Moon Yantra can bestow numerous benefits, including emotional stability, enhanced intuition, creativity, and a deeper connection with one’s inner self. It is considered a potent tool for harnessing the positive energies of the Moon and channeling them into one’s life.

As with any spiritual practice, the efficacy of the Moon Yantra may vary depending on individual beliefs, intentions, and the sincerity of one’s practice.